Project Details
Role: Game Designer
Time: 9 Months
Team Size: 4-6 Developers
Engine: Roblox Studio
Genre: FPS Shooter
Released: Roblox 21/05/26
Nerf Strike is a First Person Shooter multiplayer game developed in Roblox studio. The game is a collaboration between The Gang Sweden, Metaverse Team and Hasbo.
The game lets the players enjoy the fun of Nerf blasters in a virtual world on the Roblox platform.
I was the main designer on this project and worked on all design parts of the game.
Level Design
The game was released with 3 levels, each with a unique theme and design.
I started each of the levels from a top-down perspective in Photoshop to get the basic shape and floow of the map down before i started in the editor.
Space Station level

The first level I designed for the game was the Space Station map. The map is designed out afther that the rule of three! This means that the player should have 3 possible ways to pick from.
I followed that rule as much as possible to give the players more choices and make a nice flow in the map.
The map can be played in many different ways depending on what game mode! Game modes that can be played on the map are FFA, TDM, and Capture the base.
The map changed a bit when I entered the studio to make the gameplay more fluid and fun.
We had an artist to art the level from my level design.
Down bellow you can see the finished level in a top-down view.

Towers level
The second level I designed for the game was the medieval Towers map. When I designed the map I wanted a bit more chaos and fast phase combat right from the start.
I got the inspiration for this map from an old Counter Strike 1.6 map and took my own spin on it.
In the end we needed to add a lot more covers and safer spawn points to give the players a bigger chance to stay alive!
We had an artist to art the level from my level design.
You can play FFA, TDM and Capture the base on this map.
Here you can see how the map looked in the “Block Out” phase!

This is how the map turned out after playtesting and art! We made it double the size and added much more covers! I think the map looks amazing and is fun to play!

Pirate level
The last level that we developed for the games release build was the Pirate map. This map is more open and lets the players free roam if they want however its main focus point is the middle part of the map. The middle part of the map is a shipwerek and most of the action takes place there.
When I designed this map i took inspiration from both Sea of Thieves and World of Warcraft Island Expeditions.
We had an artist to art the level from my level design.
You can play FFA, TDM and Capture the base on this map.
The 2d map is super basic and was mainly to get a starting point

This is how the map turned out after playtesting and art! We made it double the size and added much more covers! I think the map is the best looking of all the maps and is fun to play!

The Arena level
This was the first new map that we released in an update! It’s a map that I took over in an early Blockout stadge and finished the map. What I did was to revamp the level design and than art the level as well. This was the first map that I did both level design and built it up with art!
This map is supposed to feel like it’s an arena that could exist in the real world and is nicely Nerf branded.

The Vulcano level
This is the latest map that we released! I also took over this map in an early Blockout stage and finished the map. I did some revamp to the level design for better flow and I arted around 90% of the map, the last 10% an artist came in to do some nice finishes.
This map is themed from the Nerf “Dragon Blaster” line that they released!
We released 3 new dragon basters and a themed map around the new blaster line!
Down below you can see the early version of the map when I started and the finished map.